Seriously, That’s Not AI Writing…
Discover the truth about AI writing: why relying solely on AI fails and how to combine your unique voice with AI tools for authentic, engaging articles.
Many people completely misunderstand AI writing.
Recently, I’ve noticed a troubling trend:
Some believe they can rely entirely on AI to create a complete article.
The result? These articles often have a distinct "AI flavor"—lacking personal expression and individuality.
How do they do it?
In one word: mindless.
They provide a title, leave everything to the AI, and expect it to churn out an article.
And the result?
The content is inevitably robotic, impersonal, and utterly uninspiring.
Is that even writing? It’s more like "word assembly."
In such articles, there’s no personal expression, no thoughtful reflection, and no unique style.
So how can you even call it "your article"?
Another crucial point is this:
Improving your writing skills is a process that requires consistent effort over time.
From building vocabulary and honing your language sense to structuring your articles—each step requires your active participation.
Leaving it all to AI?
There’s no way your writing skills will improve.
The correct approach to AI writing looks more like this: